Wednesday 14 January 2015

Film Title

Our Film Title

As seen above our film title is called 'Rose'. Rose is the name of our main character and we choose to incorporate this as our title for several reasons.
  • Firstly Roses have the connotative effect that relates with romance and love. As our film is based on the love and Romance between our main character Rose we felt this would be well suited as our title.
  • Secondly Rose is a very traditional British name. As we are targeting a British demographic we felt that it is important to have a relatable name that they are familiar with as it will make the title more memorable. Furthermore as it is such a simple but uncommon name with the current youth we feel this will make it even more memorable. 
  • We also liked the idea of Rose as a title because we looked at the popular connotations that are associated with Roses. We found that they are associated with being sweet and thoughtful although having a nasty shadow because of their sharp thorns that are known to hurt people. This is very much the case for the character Rose and is why we felt it was important to portray these connotations through the title.
  • We took inspiration for our name from our research of the film 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off'. This is because they featured the name of the main character of the film in their title. However we decided to not entirely conform as we only used the our main characters first name and didn't mention the plot in the title. We decided to do this to differentiate from other similar teen angst titles.

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