Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Production Company and Logo

Production Company:
Our production company is called 'Pinnacle Productions' we chose this as pinnacle is the long point on the top of a tower or skyscraper. This connotes that our production company is at the top and is always pointing up and reaching to the top which suggests we want to achieve more. This shows that we are a very competitive company who are trying to become the best in the business by reaching the 'pinniacle' or the top of the chain. Sky scrapers are also very often situated with others, which has the connotation that we are aware of the competition but will work very hard to outperform the opponents. 
As seen below our production company logo features an image of mountains. During our research we were inspired by a major production company 'Paramount', they have been producing films successful for over 100 years. Paramount also have a mountain so we took this experience and adapted the concept into our own lower budget company. We used the mountains because they connote that our company is a large, powerful and suggests they are aiming for the 'top' in the business. However we have used very plain and simple colours and design to portray that we are a low budget film company, although maintaining professional and the ethics of a high budget company. Further to this we used sans-serif font that is very clear and precise although having elements that are not quite perfect like the 'N''s as this shows we are a small budget film company but maintains a level of class. Also the use of a simple picture, writing and colours actually gives a professional feel about it which shows again that we are striving for more and when we asked class mates when we were designing this they agreed.

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