Thursday, 2 October 2014

Use of film

How do you and your peers use film?

We carried out a questionnaire in a classroom of 25 youths aged 16-18 to try and find out how the majority of young people use film. Firstly we found out that the large majority said that they went to the cinema on an average of 2 times a month and most of them said that it was more a reason to socialise rather than a concern of what film they wanted to see. This was then backed up when we asked what sort of films they watched and the answer was mainly anything that interested them and also major blockbusters. Which tells us that many youths are not too worried about the film that they are watching, its more about the socialising factor that they are interested in. This would that young people use film as more of a socialising tool on first impression. Secondly the next question was whether they like to buy popcorn and drinks from the cinema and most of them said that they don’t because they prices are too high. This leads to the question of whether young people illegally download films and approximately 8 people said they did. Their reason for this was that do not have money to purchase the films themselves. So there is a clear pattern that money is a major factor that affects how young people use film. It was made very clear that young people are influenced to watch new films by the film trailers that are released before the movies. This suggests that young people are interested in visuals and more engaging methods of advertising rather than talk shows and posters which are also commonly used to promote new films. Surprisingly when we asked how many people make their own films, not a single person said they did. This is strange because it is well known that their are a lot of youths who like to make videos at home on a variety of different topics from gaming to singing. These types of videos are usually posted on youtube and it was clear that many of the students in the class watched these types of videos on websites like this. This links to when we asked about what companies and websites they like to watch films on. The most popular popular company was “Netflix” with around 15/25 people that said they have a monthly subscription with them. This is not surprising with Netflix having over 44 million subscribers from 41 different countries. Overall the results from the survey showed clear patterns that many young people use film for a variety of different reasons and in different way that suit them. However if was clear that the most popular ways of watching film were either visiting the cinema or watching through the internet on websites such as Netflix.


  1. A good understanding of how film is used and he you compare to your peers. Well explained.

  2. You have 2 posts missing: what you learnt about making a film and a summary of a teen angst film. Please do not get behind and if there are problems with the blogging please let us know.
