Wednesday, 3 December 2014


We started filming in the downstairs of the home setting first.

1. Long shot on Rose putting on her coat, packing her bag and leaving through the door to go to school.
2. The inside the bag shot that shows Rose zipping up her bag as a close up.
3. An extreme close up of Rose tying up the laces of her shoes.
4. Long shot of Rose walking down the stairs to the hallway.

Filming in Rose's room, before she got showered, after a change of clothing.

5. Close up of Rose's dog running up the stairs
6. Establishing shot of Rose in bed and her dog running in
7. Extreme close up of the alarm going off
8. Long shot of Rose ignoring her alarm
9. Close- Mid shot of her turning the alarm off

Filming in the bathroom.

10. Close up of Rose's face while on the toilet.
11. Extreme close ups on Rose picking up her toothbrush, toothpaste being put on the toothbrush and of water going down the sink.
12. Close up of Rose turning on the shower and water coming out of the shower head.
13. Mid shot of Rose throwing the towel onto the camera from the shower.

Filming in Rose's bedroom.

14. Eye level shot of Rose picking out clothes.
15. Mid shot of her putting on her shirt.
16. Close up of Rose flipping her hair.
17. Extreme close up of the hair dryer being plugged in
18. Over the shoulder shot of Rose drying her hair in a mirror
19. Canted angle of Rose putting on foundation.
20. Point of view shot of a brush and powder.
21. Rose leaving the room and starting to go down the stairs.

Filming in the kitchen.

22. Long shot on Rose getting a tea bag.
23. Mid shot on her getting a spoon full of sugar.
24. Mid shot of Rose about to drink her tea
25. Extreme close up of the tea bag being put into the cup
26. Extreme close up on the sugar being put into the cup

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